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Lyophilized Chorionic Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Conditioned Media

Evercenta is a cutting-edge formulation derived from healthy, viable chorionic villi, meticulously processed in a Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare-approved Cell Processing Center (CPC). It features lyophilized supernatant from chorionic villi stem cell cultures, known for their anti-inflammatory, cell regenerative effects, and cellular protection. Rigorous viral safety testing, following ICHQ5A guidelines, ensures the highest standards of safety and purity, making Evercenta a superior choice for advanced cellular protection and rejuvenation.


Content: 2mL × 10 vials

How to Use

Dilute by adding appropriate amount of saline solution and apply on the required area.

Directions for Use

Cellular Protection, Cell Regeneration, Anti-Aging