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SAFETY of JBP Placental Extract (Human)

Safety Criteria of JBP Placental Extract (Human)

  1. Donor Screening
  2. Acceptance Inspection Test
  3. Sterilization by 3 Different Methods
  4. Product Specification Test

Donor Screening

  1. Tested Negatives for all virus & bacteria tests including HBV, HCV, HIV, Treponema pallidum etc.
  2. Screening of Donor’s overseas staying experience
  3. Donor consent to use as a pharmaceutical ingredient

Acceptance Inspection Test

  1. Individual inspection by weight, color, smell, etc.
  2. NAT testing for HBV-DNA, HCV-RNA, HIV-1-RNA of all samples.
  3. Accepted

Sterilization by 3 Different Methods

  1. With organic solvent (acetone)
  2. With digestive enzyme + acid processing
  3. With 121℃ × 20 minutes autoclave (final sterilization)

Product Specification Test

Before approved for shipment, the product must show “negative” for:

  1. HBV
  2. HCV
  3. HIV
  4. HTLV
  5. Parvovirus-B19

Sterilizaion, combining several different mechanisms

Viral test at contracted obstetricians, re-tested at factory

Viral test of finished product